iOS 5 is available to download


Apple fans out there who are not impressed by the iPhone 4S, have reason for excitement today and that reason's name is iOS 5. If you've got an iPhone 3GS, 4, third- or fourth-gen iPod touch, or either of the iPads you can download Apple's latest and greatest mobile OS right now, but older of the said devices are out of luck.

They added over 200 new features to the iOS 5 like pull-down notifications, iCloud, iMessage, Find my Friends, Twitter integration and lock screen access to your camera will be at your disposal and many more. Sadly you will not be getting a taste of Siri, which only appears as iPhone 4S feature for now.

So, what are you waiting for? Go hit that update button now.

Note: That you'll need iTunes 10.5in order to install the latest version of iOS. There's also an update to OS X which is version 10.7.2 which officially delivers iCloud to your Mac.

Source: Apple


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: Thursday, October 13, 2011 Kategori: