Western Digital Around The World Contest


Western Digital announced last October a contest entitled "WD Around The World Contest" where you can win air tickets for two to Maldives/Mauritius, Hong Kong or Bali/Phuket, and is free for participants residing in the following countries - Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Here's how to play WD Around The World Contest:

1. First visit the official WD Around The World Contest site which you can find at the source link below, then register for free and start playing.
2. Pictures of famous landmarks around the world are shown weekly on this site. Simply answer where these landmarks are and stand a chance to win the free trips! The contest ends on Jan 31, 2012.
3. At the end of the round, tell your friends about this contest to increase your chances of winning!

Source: WD


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 Kategori: