Robots of the Year 2011


A number of robots emerged as the winner and the most eligible robot ticket more prestigious contest at the international level.

Tim Barelang 5.1 of Batam Polytechnic won the Indonesian Robot Contest which is one of the categories in the National Robot Contest 2011. Student-made robots that beat the team Batam Polytechnic State Electronics Surabaya (PENS).

"The team that beat Team C-Electronics Next from the Polytechnic of Surabaya (PENS) is entitled to represent Indonesia in the ABU robot contest Robocon in Bangkok, Thailand, 9 September 2011," said Chairman of the Committee of the National Robot Contest (NPC) 2011 Muhammad Arif Wibisono.

The third position in the category of Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) themed "Larungan" was won by Team Harm-Vy of 10 November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya.

In the category of Intelligent Robot Contest Indonesia (KRCI) Wheeled themed "Fire Robot", the first winner won Hamazar team of Telkom Institute of Technology (ITT) Bandung II champion Tim R2C-Deus Vult (Satyawacana Christian University Salatiga), and III champion Tim Warfire (UGM).

For a category that also KRCI Legged themed "Fire Robot", won the first winner of the ITB Bandung Aqabah team, winners of the Second Team Barelang 2.1 (Batam Polytechnic), and III champion Tim Revecto (UI Jakarta).

Category KRCI "Battle" themed "Players Ball Robot", the team achieved the first winner of the 1205 E-PENS, winners of the Second Team Barelang 4.1 (Batam Polytechnic), and III champion Tim R2C-R7 (Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga).

"Team E-1205 from KRCI PENS who won the 'Battle' right to represent Indonesia in the 2012 RoboCup competition in Mexico," he said.

He said, in the category Arts Indonesian Robot Contest (KRSI) themed "Robot Dancer Klono Mask", won the first winner of the UI team banner Asmorobangun Jakarta, winners of the Second Team Toyota 177 (IT Telkom Bandung), and III champion Tim Be-Mask 2 ( Telkom technocrats STMIK Bandar Lampung).

The competition which lasted for two days followed by 101 teams from 51 public and private universities throughout Indonesia. National Education Minister Muhammad Nuh said, robot contests such is very useful in fostering creativity and the spirit of sportsmanship among the students.


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: Monday, November 28, 2011 Kategori: