iPhone 4S hits the gray market for Php48,500


By Pinoy Tech Blog

There’s no word yet on when Globe will be bringing out Apple’s iPhone 4S but if you can’t wait for it, Widget City is already selling the 16GB version for Php48,500. It’s quite a markup but what do you expect? It’s a hot commodity and it’s unlocked!

iPhone 4S
What we don’t know is if they already have it on hand or if they’re getting their stocks from Apple Singapore who’s already accepting pre-orders by the way. If it’s from Singapore then there’s a 1-2 weeks lead time so expect their units to be available in November. They are selling the iPhone 4S starting at SGD948 so that’s about Php33k.

If you really want the phone, call Widget City (09175423438) and see if the units are already available. Who knows? They might have a contact in Hong Kong where we first saw the unlocked grey units of the iPhone 4S. But if you can wait, pre-order in Singapore and have it shipped to a friend over there. Or see if you can enter your local shipping address.

UPDATE: We just confirmed that the units are already on stock (black/white) and they came from HK and unlocked.

Source: Pinoy Tech Blog


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: Sunday, October 23, 2011 Kategori: