Apple releases iTunes 10.5 with iTunes in the Cloud


Apple today updates iTunes to version 10.5 which brings with it what Apple's calling iTunes in the Cloud, which allows for automatic downloads of purchases to your Mac or Windows computers and all of your iOS devices, as well as the ability to download previous purchases on said devices as many times as you want and you can choose just the things you do want to download — song by song, episode by episode, app by app, and book by book. It also adds WiFi syncing for your iOS devices called iTunes Match which brings songs that you have imported from CDs can be stored in iCloud. And you can play them on any iOS Devices, Mac, or PC, although you'll still have to wait a bit longer for the iTunes Match service which is stated coming soon in Apple website.

If you already got Apple iTunes just look for it at Apple's Software Update, or you can download at the source below.

Source: Apple


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Kategori: